Perks & Benefits

As a tutor, you’ll receive benefits like a stipend, health insurance, extra money for college, grad school or student loans.


Tutors receive a monthly stipend of $2,100 ($1,050 every 15 days)

Health Insurance

Joyful Readers offers low to no-cost health and dental insurance.


Childcare assistance may be available for those with dependents. For more information, please click here.

Education Award

Upon successful completion of your term of service, you will be eligible to receive a Segal Education Award of over $5,000 to go back to school or pay off existing student loans. For more information on the Segal Education Award, please click here.

University Credits

Interested tutors can obtain 3 graduate credits in reading instruction from Arcadia University or enroll in WGU’s Bachelor’s of Education program, all at no cost during your service.

As a tutor, you’ll receive benefits like a stipend, health insurance, extra money for college, grad school or student loans.


Tutors receive a monthly stipend of $2,100 ($1,050 every 15 days)

Health Insurance

Joyful Readers offers low to no-cost health and dental insurance.


Childcare assistance may be available for those with dependents. For more information, please click here.

Education Award

Upon successful completion of your term of service, you will be eligible to receive a Segal Education Award of over $5,000 to go back to school or pay off existing student loans. For more information on the Segal Education Award, please click here.

University Credits

Interested tutors can obtain 3 graduate credits in reading instruction from Arcadia University or enroll in WGU’s Bachelor’s of Education program, all at no cost during your service.